About me
I am a postdoc at Universität Leipzig in the Bioinformatics group of Peter Stadler. I am member of the Walter Benjamin Program of the DFG (German research society), leading a project on Zero-eigenvalue bifurcations in Chemical Reaction Networks. Before, I did my Ph.D. at Freie Universität Berlin, in the Nonlinear Dynamics group, under the supervision of Bernold Fiedler.
My research currently focuses on structural network conditions for the occurrence of bifurcations in dynamical systems arising from biochemical and ecological networks.
For more details, please refer to my publications and CV. Feel free to contact me at nicola.vassena (at) uni-leipzig.de.
Together with Alex Blokhuis, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Praful Gagrani, I am organizing an interdisciplinary seminar series centered on autocatalysisis in reaction networks.
If you would like to give a talk or just receive the announcements you can fill up this google form, or simply write me.